Organisation: Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council


Service: Co-production and investment in preventative services

What we did

We have a long-standing partnership with Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council for more than ten years. Working with them is at the heart of our values - to support and work collaboratively with local infrastructure, adding value to their existing capacity-building services. 

Here is a summary of our work to date:

  • A Local Authority Business Case for Social Investment into Youth Services, and developed a strategic plan and delivery model for the Youth Engagement Fund that included a quality assured supply chain of local VCS providers
  • Secured funding from NOMS ESF-CFO tender. Set up and developed a local consortium - set up the governance &  developed a supply chain of quality assured VCS organisations; facilitated VCS strategic planning and developed a strategic plan covering all outcomes pathways; developed a delivery model; and secured support from large scale prime contractors (Serco & Ingeus)
  • Secured funding from the Connect Fund and supported the capacity-building team to deliver enterprise and investment workshops and develop and support a pipeline of local VCS organisations
  • Developed a proposal and secured multi-year funding from the CCG Wolverhampton for a local consortium that delivers one to one and group support to prevent hospital admissions. We currently performance manage this supply chain. We undertook a full Social Return on Investment Evaluation of the project, that also included evaluation of the Social Prescribing service.
  • Supported a Public Health public sector partnership project that resulted in the development of social investment proposition 
  • Secured funding from the Commissioning for Better Outcomes Fund to develop a new funding and delivery model for the CCG Wolverhampton - a Social Impact Bond. We project managed the activity and recruited an expert team. We developed the structure and model, undertook an evaluation of current costs and outcomes, developed a baseline, developed the outcomes and payment by results model, and developed the financial model and cashflow. 
  • Secured funding from the Life Chances Fund to develop a Social Investment Funding & Delivery Model that aimed to reduce A&E hospital admissions. We developed the business case in full. 
  • Undertook a Social Return on Investment Evaluation of the four health and mental health projects that are being supported by WVSC, including the Social Prescribing service. See here for a summary of the SROI.
  • Undertook a review of the RVS NHS Responders Programme in Wolverhampton 


  • Increased funding and investment for the local voluntary and community sector
  • Fiscal savings for local public sector agencies
  • Increased capacity, skills, knowledge in social investment

Ian Darch, CEO says, "I’ve really enjoyed working with you (Natasha) and seeing your commitment and skill – look forward to continuing to do so in the future". 

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