Step by Step Change for the Better

Continuous Improvement with Natasha Jolob of Kai-zen

Our founder and director shares how she became qualified to support individuals, the community and businesses to change for the better through inner work – which will then result in change in the outside world.

  1. I lost my mum at an early age - this taught me about the meaning of life .. about love and loss, how to self-care & self-heal myself without the nurturing love of a mother. Her dying of breast cancer drew me to the world of holistic health, natural healing and using nature to prevent disease and sickness. I have learnt about and use herbalism, natural medicine and good nutrition to optimise my health and I now share this knowledge through my work.
  2. My family once had everything and lost everything - I know what it feels like to have the rug pulled from under your feet, and how to deal with that - that anything can happen, that life is precarious, that money & materialism are just things & have very little value.
  3. In my early 20s I spent a few months volunteering with a Tibetan Buddhist Ladakhi family in a remote village in the Himalayas. I lived a simple life with no western luxuries, living off the land, learning about community development and how to be happy with absolutely nothing. I learnt from Tibetan Buddhist monks and Eastern spirituality about the cycles of life, karma, and creation & destruction.
  4. I spent three years living in the Philippines working on peace-building projects, learning about different cultures and grassroots communities untouched by western ways, living happiness, in perfect harmony with nature. I also saw poverty, deprivation and war like you’ve never known. I have a deep understanding and knowledge about the impact of globalisation and western imperialism on local communities.
  5. I am now a social entrepreneur and I work hard at the grassroots in the heart of the community - I empathise and connect to the people and I fight for social justice – because I know what it feels like to experience hardship. I support the growth of the social enterprises and the social economy through providing business and finance/ investment advice so that people are protected loved and taken care of. I volunteer for charities and I strive to make the world a better place.
  6. During the pandemic I felt anxious and afraid and I knew I had to turn inwards. I did a meditation teacher training course and since then I have explored myself, a journey of inner work and healing, working with my shadow, working with energy, shining a light on my dark side, my sub conscious beliefs and behaviours, clearing and shifting to find my true essence. I meditate every single day to observe myself and to tune into higher states of consciousness. I know that in order to change the outside world, I must work on my inner self. I now share my learnings with others in the community and on a one-to-one basis.
  7. I practice martial arts every day and I am now training for my 3rd Dan. Every time I practice I am challenged: I train my body to be fit and strong, I fall down I get up, I am afraid and I get hit by men. But I fight no matter what, I push myself over my limits, I seek to conquer myself, through self-mastery and I learnt about the meaning of life. I study the philosophy of martial arts and samurai and use it in my personal development. Zen, chi/ki/qi prana, I use energy and I know how to master the mind. I have learnt the secrets of the samurai.
  8. I practice ashtanga yoga at least twice a week to clear my body of pain, stress, toxins and to restore my natural energy. When on the mat I connect to my inner world exploring observing and coming home.. finding myself, my breath, to raise my state of conscious being. I have experienced bliss through this pathway.
  9. I use alternative therapies such as acupuncture, regularly, to remove blocks, establish harmony in my energy, revitalise my body and clear out toxic energy. This enables my energy to better flow naturally and harmoniously and supports my physical health.
  10. I read and expand my knowledge every single day. I read philosophy, I listen to sacred text, I learn from geniuses, the philosophers, the Egyptian and Greek gods and goddesses, I have learnt about metaphysics, divination, indigenous cultures, I Ching, Taoism, the divine feminine, Jungian psychology, Eastern spirituality, heart centred living, ancient civilisations, shamans, astrology, quantum physics, alchemy, theurgy & neuroscience. I watch real time astrophysics news every day to measure up the changes happening in the universe and how these affect the earths energy and our physical health and mental well-being. The more I read and learn the more I realise how much we all have to learn.
  11. I spend time alone in nature every day I connect to mother earth’s energy, I have learnt about the five elements and how to alchemise elements, the four directions, the wheel of the year, the medicine wheel, the power of crystals and megaliths, how to access earths and cosmic natural energy and sacred waters to detox and revitalise the physical body and improve mind-body-spirit connection.

I’ll be honest with you whilst I have done all of the above I am only at the beginning!!! On rung one of the ladder!! But important is that I am on the ladder! I implore you to take the first steps and get on the ladder. To change the world starts with ourselves – it is imperative that we all do the inner work to raise the level of consciousness for the collective, no matter who you are or what your background is. Get on the ladder!

I am not a psychotherapist or a doctor but I have the knowledge and experience through which to hold the space safely and securely for you to let go, discover, change, improve, express, access higher states of consciousness, and visualise and experience the world of infinite potentiality. Heaven on earth anyone? 

If you live in Leicestershire and would like a little taster then come to my workshop on the Wellness Day 15th October, Burbage/ Leicestershire, where I will share and support you to start the journey of self-indulgence, self-awareness, self-discovery and ultimately pure bliss states of being.

Wellness day
Wellbeing Wednesday
I run FREE weekly online meditations for charities and social enterprises helping them to de-stress, find some calm, clear the mind and find inner peace and balance, helping to improve workplace productivity.

I run regular quantum meditations for business leaders, supporting them to experience profound creativity, unlimited potentiality, success & miraculous change, so that they can change the world for the better.

Quantum meditations for business leaders

I support individual and community mental health and wellbeing, providing one to one and group holistic health and well-being sessions. If you are a charity or social enterprise I can help you to secure funding to run your own health and mental health sessions and/ or sessions in partnership with me.

Holistic Health
Kai-Zen Holistic Health


Blog, Business, Community, Holistic Health, Meditation, Wellbeing

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