Organisation: Wolverhampton CCG


Service: Co-production and investment in preventative services

What we did

As part of a Public Health funded project we participated in a series for roundtable discussions with local stakeholders including senior representatives from New Cross Hospital, the CCG Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council, Public Health and Wolverhampton City Council. During the roundtables stakeholders identified that one of the biggest costs was older people, living alone in poverty that were being admitted to hospital. We presented the option of social investment to invest in prevention at the roundtable which was supported by all stakeholders.

We followed this up by designing a project and securing funding from the Lottery Commissioning for Better Outcomes Fund to develop a new funding and delivery model called a Social Impact Bond. 

We developed the full public sector business case that aimed to reduce the number of older people with health conditions and living in poverty from going into hospital. We engaged with stakeholders, developed the outcomes metrics, undertook research, developed the baseline, developed the financial model, designed the structure and model and identified external funding. 

Our leading business partner, Governance International, delivered a co-production and joint commissioning workshop to improve strategic commissioning practice and develop the partnership with the Council. 

The CCG Wolverhampton approved the business case at the Commissioning Committee which was an incredible result. However the local authority did not support the business case at the final stage, for political reasons. The business case required a joint commissioning approach and without the local authority as a joint commissioner it was not financially viable.

However the business case evidenced that by investing in voluntary sector community-based services targeting a clearly defined cohort the CCG made fiscal savings.  The CCG Wolverhampton was committed to the project and therefore commissioned Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council to deliver the project with a substantial grant fund. 


  • Increased funding and investment for the local voluntary and community sector.
  • Fiscal savings for local public sector agencies

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Funding & investment

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